Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Kirti Agarwal
4 min readAug 24, 2020

The Sun Salutation is a series of 12 physical poses that are performed in a particular sequence. These poses build strength and increase the flexibility of your body. Each pose is coordinated with the breathing process (Inhale and exhale).

A complete set of ‘Sun Salutation’ begins with the right leg followed by the left.

On days when you think you have no time for any exercises then try doing at least 2 sets of ‘Sun Salutation’. You will feel the difference!

There are lots of benefits while practicing ‘Sun Salutation’ every day; it gives the flexibility and strength to various muscles and joints in the body. It is a nice cardiovascular exercise too.

Full series of ‘Sun Salutation’ looks like in the diagram below:

Various poses of ‘Sun Salutations’ are shown below:

Pranamasana (Prayer Position)


Stand erect on your feet and place joined hands in front of your chest, breathe and close your eyes.

Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arms)

